In the words of the mighty Black Sabbath...."I'm Going Through Changes" and the Decibel Geek Podcast is too...
Everyone's favorite show "The Decibel Geek Podcast" is moving it's schedule to a different day! We wanted to inform all of our listeners that we have NOT FORGOTTEN this week's episode. Chris and AAron will be bringing you Episode 77 on Monday, March 25th 2013 and this will mark a change in our broadcasting schedule.

Starting next Monday, all new episodes of the show will be released on Mondays! Even Bob Geldof will be singing a different song next week. TGIM (Thank God It's Monday) is the new slogan for the Decibel Geeks.
We would like to thank the listeners that keep the show fun and exciting for us to do each week, and we will continue to keep rocking with all of you....
1 comment:
My first reason to like Mondays since Stone Cold retired,thanks guys!
-Des KST
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