Who is Nigel Bailey you might ask and you wouldn't be alone in that, I myself only recently hearing the name. Bailey, a UK musician, Bradford West Yorkshire to be exact, comes from a musical family where both his parents and his younger brother are all musicians. You could say it's in his blood. Italy's Frontiers Records signed Nigel Bailey and they struck a deal to record the songs that Bailey had been writing and recording for years in his dining room at home. These songs would ultimately become Bailey's Long Way Down album set for release December 9, 2014 in North America. Somewhere during the process Nigel Bailey was introduced to guitarist Vinny Burns (Dare/Ultravox/Ten/Asia) by Frontiers President Serafino Perugino and the two began to write together. Things quickly evolved and with the addition of drummer Greg Morgan the band Three Lions was born, the debut album, Three Lions, being issued earlier this year. The album was well recieved among melodic rock fans and critics and now it's time for Long Way Down, which Bailey promises will be heavier than Three Lions. Produced by Alessandro Del Vecchio, whose name likely carries more weight than Bailey's, he handles keyboards and backing vocals while also in the fold are: Mario Percudani (guitars) and Alessandro Mori (drums). Let's get into Long Way Down.
Starting out strong, "Feed the Flames" is first up with an absolute melodic marvel, containing great riffs and a hooky chorus. Eleven tracks on the album, all well over four minutes, more than half over the five minute mark I hope it keeps up the caliber of this opener. Check out the video for "In the Name of the King", the second track of the album, frankly no where near as strong as "Feed the Flames" on a first listen for me, but the more I hear it the more I think it's even better, a sleeper perhaps. "Dirty Little Secret" oozes an 80's vibe that could have easily been heard on rock radio in the day while "Bad Reputation" has a heavier groove to it. Things slow down a little, but keep the spirit with "Stay" and even slower with "Somewhere in Oslo" serving as the obligatory ballad. The title track starts out with a tasty little distorted guitar, ramping up the energy once again for one of the standouts on the record. The ballad, "Spend the Night" is up next and anyone who's read any of my previous reviews knows my thoughts on the majority of these ballad songs, this one is tolerable but I could happily do without it. "Love Falls Down" is more my style with a good rhythm and catchy harmonies. "Ticket To Yesterday" is another mid-tempo, verging on ballad style of song, but I do rather like this one, maybe I'm softening up in my old age? The albums final entry, "Dirty Angel" is without a doubt my pick as best with a pumping, up tempo, hard-driving groove that's bound to be an inclusion on the ole I-pod (MP3 Player)!
It seems to me that the British are cornering or dominating the melodic rock scene this year with bands like In Faith, Bailey, Ten and those are just the albums I've reviewed in the last couple of weeks or so! If you're a fan of melodic rock pick this one up and also check out what else the British rock scene are offering, methinks you shan't be disappointed old chap.
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