So there I am at a Walmart in Austin, Texas, perhaps it was 2003, and I come upon a bin brimming with cassette tapes for a dollar a piece. I don't need an engraved invitation. I toss aside the Runaway Bride soundtracks and Bushwick Bill opuses and happen upon something that looks interesting, at least to me, not to most people, but to me. Four guys with long, teased blonde hair. It's a band called VAMP. The album is called The Rich Don't Rock. I like everything about this. I've never heard of VAMP, I've never seen this album. How have I never seen this album? It came out in 1989 on Atlantic Records. In 1989 I bought every album that came out that looked like this, except this one. This album and I had somehow never crossed paths. Time and patience had rectified this. I bought the cassette, took it to work the next day and popped it in my walkman. I was not disappointed.
VAMP formed in Germany in 1985, but singer Tom Bellini was from the US. Originally calling themselves ROXX (not to be confused with Roxx Gang, Roxx Regime, White Roxx, Sgt. Roxx, Crystal Roxx, Moxy Roxx), they recorded a four song demo which led to the record deal with Atlantic. The Rich Don't Rock was the only album they released. It was produced by Tony Platt, who produced Another Perfect Day for Motorhead and a personal favorite of mine, Love + War by Lillian Axe. A quick look at the cover would indicate to most casual observers that this album is what upper crusty music fans refer to derisively as hair metal. Me, I love most "hair metal," but that is not really what this album is. This is simply metal. I love the first W.A.S.P. album, I do not like the second W.A.S.P. album. The Rich Don't Rock by VAMP is the album I wish W.A.S.P. would have released as the follow-up to their kick-ass debut.

Drummer Dicki Fliszar jumped ship to play on Bruce Dickinson's Tattooed Millionaire tour and then joined the British band SKIN, whose debut album would hit the top ten in the UK.
You can order the reissue of The Rich Don't Rock here:
Or you can sample the entire album and download it from here:
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