Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Paul Finn (KISSin' UK webmaster) Interview


How old were you when you first started listening to music and what were the first bands/artists that you listened to?

I would have been about 7. I used to like The Police, Madness and Adam & The Ants. I seem to remember my very first album was ...
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My Betty Blowtorch Baptism by Fire


For better or worse, I'm never 100% satisfied with anything I do, which might explain why I haven't done a whole helluva lot in my 41 years. But that's another story for another time.

In this instance, I'm referring to my very glaring omission of ...
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Monday, January 30, 2012

Andrew Greenaway (author of Zappa The Hard Way, Idiot Bastard website, ZappaCast podcast) Interview


How old were you when you started listening to music and why did you get into music?

The radio was always playing in the house when I was growing up, but it was The Beatles that first made me sit up and really listen - when I was about five or six, ...
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Sunday, January 29, 2012

Worst Concert Experiences Ever

The Concert Horror

A topic came up a few days ago and some of the good folks at DB Geek started thinking about what was their worst concert experience. Usually when things like this get started between guys it ends up being a contest of one ...
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Saturday, January 28, 2012

Mick Ekers (Zappa's Gear website/author, ZappaCast podcast) Interview


As you well know by now, I am quite a big fan of the ZappaCast podcast (my favourite podcast) that you co-host with your fellow Zappa freaks Scott Parker and Andrew Greenaway. What were the circumstances that led you to become a part of it?

I got ...
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Friday, January 27, 2012

Joey Haynie (Rock Strikes Ten podcast, CNJ Radio) interview


How old were you when you got into music and why?

I remember music as early as my earliest thoughts. Between the ages of 2 and 3, I remember my parents playing country records by Alabama, Kenny Rogers and The Oak Ridge Boys. A couple of years af...
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Ross Berg (author of Gene Simmons: A Rock 'N Roll Journey in the Shadow of the Holocaust) interview


How old were you when you first heard about KISS and what were the circumstances by which you eventually became a KISS fan?

I was 7 years old in 1976 when I first saw and heard KISS on the Destroyer album. The look of the band and the song "Detroit ...
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Thursday, January 26, 2012

Episode 18 - Top 6 Favorite Bassists


Where There’s a Will (& Enough Alcohol) There’s a Way

For those of you that saw the post that was put up yesterday, you already know that Chris has had the week from hell and Aaron also had some rough news over the past seven days.  But, ...
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Rebecca Davis (author of Blind Owl Blues, the only existing biography of Canned Heat founder Alan “Blind Owl” Wilson) interview


Aside from the fact that rock music originated from it, blues music is one genre of music that I must confess to neither having listened to very much nor having very much knowledge of. Please provide a very brief history of blues music.

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Martin Johannessen (Heavy Rock - the playlist! website/blog) interview


How old were you when you got into music?

I was about 10 years old when I bought my first KISS record, Dynasty. I am 42 now.

What were the first bands/artists that you really liked and why?

The very first band I became a fan of, was KISS. But I ...
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Queen Simmonz (former bassist for PRISS) interview


What were the circumstances that led to you becoming Queen Simmonz (Gene Simmons) in the all female KISS tribute band PRISS?

My friends Judy Cocuzza and Sharon Needles wanted to started a female tribute to KISS and they asked me to be the "Gene". ...
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Wednesday, January 25, 2012

New Episode Soon, We Promise!

Dear valued listeners,

We had planned to have the new episode of the Decibel Geek Podcast up by the usual time of Thursday morning but that won't be happening this week. Unfortunately, Chris has run into some automobile issues that he will not go ...
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Daniel Hill (contributor to the KISSin' UK website) interview


How old were you when you first started listening to music and what were the first bands/artists that you listened to?

Rock music has always been a part of my life. From as far back as I can remember, my dad has always been a bass player in seve...
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Lee Hutchings (director of the upcoming film Dance with the Devil: The Cozy Powell Story) interview


What is the current status of Dance with the Devil: The Cozy Powell Story, your upcoming film about legendary drummer Cozy Powell?

Dance With The Devil: The Cozy Powell Story is currently in development and will be moving into the early stages of ...
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Monday, January 23, 2012

James Hager (PodKISSt, E.P.E., ZombieFAQ.com) interview


PodKISSt, your KISS podcast (natch), ranks a close second on my favorite podcasts list. Really good stuff. What were the circumstances that led you and your PodKISSt co-hosts Gary Shaller and Ken Mills to create it back in 2007?

I'm really glad ...
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Saturday, January 21, 2012

Evie Evil (Evil Beaver) Interview


How did you get into music?

No one in my family was a musician. I was just naturally attracted to music.

What were some of the first bands/artists that you listened to on a regular basis?

L7, Black Flag, The Beatles, The Sugarcubes, The Ramones, ...
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Friday, January 20, 2012

Sharon Needles (Betty Blowtorch, PRISS, Hell's Belles) Interview


How did you get into music?

My older sister introduced me to Alice Cooper, Led Zeppelin, The Stones, Queen and David Bowie when I was a kid. Friends from school introduced me to KISS, AC/DC, Ted Nugent and Aerosmith in the late '70s. By the early ...
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Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Episode 17 - Van Halen Discussion w/Mitch Lafon


Diamond Dave & The Hype Machine

For anyone living under a rock or not named Sammy Hagar, the hype surrounding the recently-released single and forthcoming album from Van Halen has sparked loads of excitement and speculation whether the new ...
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