
Saturday, July 21, 2012

Maximizing Our Threshold! (ie. Syndication)

In the past year and some-odd months, the Decibel Geek podcast has achieved a steady growth and we treasure each and every one of you that have taken the time to listen to any of the incoherent babbling that comes out of our mouths. With that said, we've been trying to think of new ways to be heard by more ears. While we love the following we have, we think we've got the goods to entertain on a larger scale (hopefully). So, our good friends at Maximum Threshold Radio have decided to give us Geeks a shot at syndication.

Now, you can listen to the Decibel Geek podcast streaming every Friday night at 7:00pm EST on Maximum Threshold Radio! So, while you are getting ready to holler at a chick while guzzling Natural Light's in the back of a pickup truck, you can tune in to our show to get in the right mental mood! Be sure to tune in and rock your balls off!

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