
Thursday, October 11, 2012

Sam Kinison discussion with Don Barris on Ari Shaffir's Skeptic Tank podcast

Andrew Jacobs here,

Another (albeit sad) 20th anniversary occurred in 2012 - the 20th anniversary of the very untimely death of rock 'n roll comedian Sam Kinison, who was killed when his car was struck by a drunk driver on April 10, 1992.  While I must confess to not having ever listened to any of Kinison's albums and have only watched parts of a few of his standup comedy performances, I am WELL aware of his legendary status among both the comedy and the '80s rock/metal worlds (not to mention the Sterniverse).  The link above leads to an almost 3 hour Kinison discussion between comedian Ari Shaffir and Don Barris.  Barris, as some of you are well aware of at this point, is the co-star and co-creator of both the cult movie classic Windy City Heat (a.k.a. the funniest movie I've ever seen in my entire life) and The Big 3 Podcast (a.k.a. the funniest podcast I've ever listened to in my entire life).  Needless to say, I highly recommend taking 3 hours out of your lives and listening to this.

1 comment:

April Maxina said...

Don is the best! And reminds me of Sam Kinison the way he incorporates comedy with music.

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